Health and Wellness
We're excited to provide you with new and updated Health and Wellness tools! These tools provide you with a wide variety and resources to assist you with your health and wellness goals. Among the many tools and resources, you'll also find a General Health Assessment, enabling you to assess your general health and wellness risk, as well as your risk in specific lifestyle and condition areas.
The typical health care patient today is much more actively involved in their decision-making. Consumers are aggressively seeking more information and answers throughout episodes of care and increasingly, being incentivized to take a more active role in their own care with emphasis on prevention and wellness. CommunityCare understands the increased demand for health and wellness tools, and we hope you will find this will meet those needs.
Click here to view the new wellness information.
The typical health care patient today is much more actively involved in their decision-making. Consumers are aggressively seeking more information and answers throughout episodes of care and increasingly, being incentivized to take a more active role in their own care with emphasis on prevention and wellness. CommunityCare understands the increased demand for health and wellness tools, and we hope you will find this will meet those needs.
Click here to view the new wellness information.

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